The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)

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The Harlan Daily Enterprisei

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Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Southeastern Kentucky VOLUME ITY ONE 'v 5 Srji'H IRST ST j'J I '7 I KY COMP Sljc Harlan Jailn Snirrprw ull Leased Associated Press HARLAN KY SUNDAY DECEMBER 14 1952 A eatures Telephotos ive Cents A Copy Weather orecast Kentucky Rather cloudy Sun day with few snow flurries east and north Moderately cold Sun day 8 PAGES TODAY No 292 tote Hats Remarks Cut Winston Salem ip Ike Hurt Chances Of uture Relations President Elect Due To Arrive if I Loyall Teeth Solons Divided ROKs Storm Observed In Special Clinic Special Attention Given Mouth to the Back To Hill Top honest among South di congrcssional for 1 BETTER GET GOING! electorate markeu a record he recognized one of cast see either or for an inter A dainty viol of perfume Is a gift the girls adore So buy before her favorite SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS in the day a announced completed The announced and to and would asked Truman for un ignored in Harlan with the near the is today on Main Street? The excavated and many Widow Held After Still Raid On Mountain icil theory Harlan Home Talent Show will sented in the high school ium Tuesday Dec 30 1 An outstanding 'cast' front where Wallins Man ined $108 or Drunk Driving Douglas Rogers 20 of Wallins was fined $10850 and had his operators license suspended for six months riday City Judge Roscoe Petrey reported Regers was arrested riday by City Police on a drunk driving charge and was arraigned before Judge Petrey Two Positions Okay 'rankfort Ky Dec 13 UP Assistant Attorney General Walter Herdman said yesterday a county election commissioner can serve on Bowling Board of 'Public Works i found 200 gallons of seven and one half moonshine at the Pine a meeting to be held night at 7:30 site will be The President appointed Joseph rcehiil yesterday as admini strator the Office of Price Sta bilization reebilJ a native New Yorker had been acting in that capacity since Tighe Woods re signed Nov 24 Tiuman told his Thursday news conference he would end the WSB paralysis before the week was outAnd Economic Stabilizer Roger Putnam said a few hours later he had sent a list of proposed ap pointees to the White House TJic WSB has been unable to get to its backlog of 12 000 cases since tlie seven industry members resigned a week ago They quit in a protest againfet Truman's ac tion in overruling the board to bring a soft coal wage increase $190 a day instead of Continued OnPage Eight The of Ralph Voids studying the theory and applica tion of stati'c electricity magnet ism direct and alternating current before their visit In the shops of the vocational school they saw motors and gen erators in various stages of con struction and repair The appli cation of electrical theory was discussed by Mr Cook of the electrical department ment to push a development pro gram that could produce such a ship and denounced what lie termed "the almost unbelievable 'and unrealisVc handling of airship by officialdom He told a conference of builders and designers of convertible air craft there would be a "wide Continued On Page Three Philadelphia Dec 13 lT) An atomic powered airship thatcircles the globe and carries alongits own fighter planes was fore seen last night by a expert on ilinn alr craft The mctnl covered hclium fill A group of militiaman are Home Talent Show Slated December 30 their canvasses yesterday plete the national count: Eisenhower 33927549 Stevenson 27311316 Others 308996 Presidential electors will their votes in the respective states Monday showing Eisenhower to have 'carried 39 states with an electoral vote of 442 and Steven son to have won only nine states with 89 Congress in joint session will make the count ultra official Community Tree Planning Set Tuesday Jan 6 and Eisenhower will take office Jan 20 The 1952 official figures show many records were broken in an election that gave Gen Eisenhow er a tremendous personal victory The total vote broke the previous record of 1940 by 11727549 and exceeded the 1948 aggregate by 12859572 Thirty nine states showed a better than 70 per cent turnout in relation to their estimated eligi bles Where actual registrations were known it is believed that Continued On Pago Eight HARLAN COUNTY'S SECOND JAIL Do you 1 1 member tlie old jail landmark Las long been torn away and the knoll uiimi which it stood Indian relics uncovered Local forefathers rela tc tle first jail was burned during the Civil War The one shown here is tile second one Joe Kelly was tlie jailer and lived across the street in the Riverside Hotel BULLETIN Lexington Ky Dec 13 (M raging fire swept through the No 3 butt entry of the Poca hontas mine in Breathitt County early today killing at least two United Mine Workers Two other men were known to be missing Whether any other miners were trapped could not be im mediately determined Plans for thg Christmas program and the decoration of the new Cqmmunity Christmas tree will be made at Tuesday meeting later The program will be as soon as it has been The tree which was placed on the court house lawn last week was purchased by the Harlan Gar den Club Harlan Lions Club Beta Sigma Phi Chamber of Commerce Harlan Club Harlan Kiwanis Club Civic Club DAR and the Civitan Club' The nurseryman who moved the tree to Harlan said it would be unadvisable to' put lights on the tree this year as it was a young tree and considerable damage to the tree might result with Cabinet officers and advisers Eisenhower has selected and who were in the mid Pacific confer ences earlier in the week It was expected he would make an official report at the White House today on the military sit uation he fountain Korea i where Eisenhower and his party confer red with theater and fjeld com manders iBut such an otherwise i formal and routine report by an officer to his commander in chief had in teresting possibilities 7 What might the angry President have to say or ask about the Pres ident elect he roundly denounced on two successive And what would the benign Bradley do if the conversation took that turn? Assisting jorganizations with their services were Craft May hall Jones and Smith The mouthand teeth of each of the Loyall school children were examined by the dentists special attention was given symptoms of mouth disease decay to permanent teeth Reports furnished by the State Department of Health were sent to the parents of the children in forming them of the findings of the examination The information was also recorded on the health card in the cumulative folder for school records In charge of the clinic were Hayes Bunch chairman of the Ki wanis Club committee for under privileged children and Mrs Robert Hoskins Jr president of the Loyall A They were assisted by parents from the com munity Last year the two organizations sponsored a hearing clinic The hearing of each child was screened and all doubtful cases were tested with an audiometer Many ears have been treated as a result of this examina tion and permanent loss of hear ing has been prevented The Kiwanis Club and Loyall A hope to contribute to a substantial improvement in the general health of the Loyall school children through these annual clinics lie' so big as to put the famous lliidenburg in "tlie Model lea held court here Col Clark was said to have been a colonel in the war fought on the North's side ew natives remember how Col Clark used his "style to mount his horse Jim How ard was the sheriff at the time The militiamen pitched their tents on Clover Street near the river bank That was their head quarters One of the soldiers was accidentally killed during their stay here Woman Prisoner Yodles In the early a two story stone jail was built on Second A 37 ye'ar old Baxter widow the mother of three children was arrested by ederal officers ri day evening following a moon shine still raid on Pine Mountain Mrs Mollie Joseph was one of two women operating the still when Leslie Ball and' Randolph James ABC agents along with Chad Howard James Scandlin and William Robinson of the Alcohol Tax Unit raided the still about three miles vest of Baxter The other woman unidentified escaped i This was the second day in a row in which officers have raid ed stills being operated by wo men Early Thursday morning Ball and Dorsey Hendrickson raided a 50 gallon near Smith and found two women operating it Both of the women escaped but Ball said them Officers mash and gallons of Mountain still Mrs Joseph who told the of ficers her three children were 12 16 and 17 years of age was taken to the Pineville jail riday night and will be arraigned before Commissioner Kelly Clore elix Lewis anti the Joseph reehiUNamed New Price Stabilization Boss of local talent will participate in the show Mrs Slim Guy director said flic Riverside Hotel first hotels ling house porch was Alex Store No Cooking acilities The jailer sent the food jail in buckets as there were no cooking facilities in the jail Wood fires in the was the only heat During the term of court Col Clark commonwealth attor and Judge Boyd of Whitley Street where the Cherry building County visited at the hotel and Continued On Page Three Photo By Hayes LOYALL DENTAL CLINIC Shown examining the teeth of a Lovall student fa Mayhall The clinic was held in the Loyall school Dec 2 5 sponsored by the Loyall kiwanis Club and the Loyall A Among those assisting in the clinic were from left to right Mrs' Jarvis Howard Mrs Speed Sullivan James Powell and Mrs Yates The student being examined is Renfro Manning son of Mr and Mrs Egre Manning By George McArthur Seoul Dec 13 IM Tough little South Korean troops today storm ed to the top of Little Nori Hill lost more thin two days ago drorc off Red remnants then stuck there stubbornly under steady pounding from Communist guns and infantry assaults Other Republic of Korea soldiers attacked Reds on Big Non some 300 yards to the north The ROKs battled to within 15 yards of Big crest were pinned down more than two hours by heavy artillery and mortar fire and then were forced to withdraw Dash Through ire AP correspondent Milo arneti reported a few South Korean in fantrymen dashed gallantly through the curtain of Chinese fire and died atop Big Nori after hurl ing hand grenades into Communist positions Although failing to take the larger peak the South Koreans on Big Nori absorbed so much of the Communist fire that their com rades were able to dig in deeper on Little Nori Those troops re ceived only harrassing fire after hurling back a Chinese company some 175 men shortly before noon Both Western ront hills gate posts on the traditional northern invasion route to this old capital were grabbed by Communists in swift attacks early Thursday They Continued Ob Pate Eight nude in tlie early 1890's Joe Kelly the jailer lived across the one of the oldest road from the old court house in one of the The ramb long spot State Area i Road Contracts A $5697218 contract has been awarded the Dawson Bridge Co Bloomfield for three road projects on the Harlan Pineville road according to the State High way Department The projects as listed by the highway are the Harlan Pineville road iri Bell County the Wallins Twila road and the Harlan Pineville road in Harlan County Ten Projects totaling almost $700000 were listed for the state By Mabel Collins To some of us early land marks shown in the picture which 'was in Harlan County aic familiar There arc a few who will recall in Harlan County the' jail Do you? Old sctth rs remember their grandfathers telling them of the first jail being burned during tlieCivil War The frumd building shown in the picture 'was then built The old court house sat'on tlie knoll where Scotts Stork on Main Street is today and the jail was at the buck The roads were wagon paths at the time In the early days of Harlan County the people tried to Jive pcacclully an coined thjr dailv bread by honest work such ns slogging farming blacksmithing or any way to make an dollar Much activity went on large jail yard Every group of men could bo seen en gaging tin msilves in an interest ing game of marbles An olu tun er recalled that Green Ward were champion players" City Divides North Harlan was more vlding line between the North aqd a the South Both sides came into town scouting robbing looting and left a feeling of unrest among the pioneer families ft They had a groat deal of trouble when court was'in session The militia was sent in on lew nc icasions to see that everything was peaceful Sometimes families gathered a nd marie on the floor for their chil dren to sleep on Statd ire Marshal inds Area Schools' Condition Excellent Orville Igoe state fire marshal completed an inspection of Rosen wald Sunshine and Harlan Cen tral schools riday and found them to be in The inspection trip was part of an organized state drive to reduce fire hazard conditions in schools Only a few minor defects were found in the three schools and these will be corrected Igoe said The inspector was here at the request of ire Chief Estil Giles He will also inspect the county schools while he is here All the schools in the county were checked about six months ago and most of the recommenda tions made for improvements then have been carried out Igoe said Suspect Nabbed In Mass Slaying Of Man 3 Children San rancisco Dec 13 (TP) frat is Hall 27 was arrested by' two San rancisco police inspec tor in Richmond Calif across tlie bay this morning in connec tion 'with the mass slaying of a grocer and three children in Ches ter Calif Police Inspectors Edward Haire and Michael Doherty said Hall was knon in Chester as Al oley Hall was taken to the San ran cisco jail where he has been booked on a technical holding charge His father' Wendell Hall 49 was also arrested resno polite took him to the county jail and booked him on a holding charge Travis occupation was listed as steelworker He is 27 llis father 49 runs a janitorial cleaning service in resno The tip on came last week when an unnamed in formant told police he was ap pronchod in a bowling alley by a man he came to know as The informant was asked to be a in the holdup of a man named Young The informant said he refused to take part in the plan Inspectors and Doherty immediately began work on the new lead By Wnrren Rogers Jr Washington Dec 13 (ZP) President Truman was ex picted to prop up his buffeted controls program today by naming new industry members to the Wage Stabilization board after picking a new price boss will be two numbers by the Mus ettes dances by students of Mis Sue Smith a skit by Miss Sarah Jo Huff a contralto solo by Miss Barbara Youell selections by the Harlan High School male quarl tte mill tr dramatic reading by Mary Jayne Scott ft Proceeds irotn the ticket sales will be used for community and welfare activities in Hnrlan Coun ty Mrs Lawrence Basshani pre sident of the club The program committee con sists of Mcsdunies David Per kins Land 117 Smith and Lawrence Bassham Ticket Disease Symptoms Parents Get Report A dental clinic sponsored by the Loyall A and the Loyall Kiwanis Club was held in the Loyall school Dec 2 5 Physics Class Sees Practical Theory Application The physics class of Loyall High was able to see the prac rpplieation of electrical during a field trip to the County Vocational School Knob last week class under the direction Jr has been In Sunday General Declared Shocked And Puzzled By Don Whitehead Honolulu Dec 13 IM A re liable source today said President Truman's state ment cut President elect Eisen hower deeply and just about kill ed any chance of friendly rela tions between the two in the fu ture This reaction was disclosed a short time before Eisenhower was 4 to leave Hawaii bound for New York City which he left secretly just two weeks ago for Korea He is due to arrive at the Marine air terminal at LaGuardia ield at noon CST tomorrow It was learned that Eisenhower was shocked and puzzled by Pres blast at his Ko rean trip Informants said the President elect felt the statement 'was uncalled dignified and shouldbe To Continue Course The informants said Eisenhow er would continue along the course he has set to find a solution to the Korean conflict including a study of Gen Douglas proposals The once friendly relationship between Eisenhower and Truman it was said had been badly strain ed by accusations made during ihp Hpat nf thp nrAcisiantial the new incident puiuur uuiuiy lornuu reia tionship in the future looks like the finish of any informal across the desk meeting' between the this source said there is' another Continued On Page Eight Mild Bradley May ind Self In Tiff Middle Washington Dec 13 (M Mild old Gen Omar Bradley who like arguments was back in town today and faced with prospects of finding himself in the middle in an Eisenhower Tru man tiff Bradley of tfte Joint Chiefs of Stuff and World War'll colleague Gen Eisenhower in the battle of Europe was pftked by President elect Eisenhower to go with him on the journey to Korea Eisenhower 'said mission''' from which he is now returning was to seek a way for honorable conclusion of the war But Truman says the trip was the result of campaign demagoguery by Eisen hower ft The ACS chairman flew back to minual ciitei tarnment fp'i th(' Harlan Woman's Club be pre auditor Atomic Powered Airships Seen Off icial Vote Shows Ike Won Over Adlia By 6616233 Votes Washington Dec 13 (ZP) Gen Dwight Eisenhower defeated Gov Adlai Stevenson for president on Nov 4 by 6616233 as a vote conscious smashing 61547861 ballots These are the official figures as compiled by The Associated Press as the last four states reported to com Bunch Dr Burning Of Harlan irst Jail During Civil War Recalled By Old Timers Man Secretary Benjamin Ruhkle To Assume Duties Here January 10 Edward Cawood prcsldent of the Harlan County Chamber' of Commerce announced riday the selection of Bcbjamin Runkle of Winston Salem as ex ecutive secretary of the Chamber of Commerce selection by the board of directors followed an interview here several weeks ago He is expected to assume his duties here by Jan 10 or the past year Runkle has been with the Winston Salem Chamber of Commerce mem bership director Prior to: this he was with radio WTOB Winston Salem as announcer salesman and with WAIR also of Winston Salem as news and snecial events director ft Runkle is a graduate of iWooster Preparatory School 1 Danbury Conn and attended Guilford Col lege and Duke University He is married and has two chil dren Mrs Runkle a native North Carolinian is active in Winston Salem as a church musician and organizer of choral groups 7 Runkle is a veteran of World War II He served in Africa Sicily Italy rance and Germany with a combat infantry unit His native home is in Decatur Ill Of Doug's Views Watkins Lines Up With Opponents patgn Diias 1 By Milton Kelly Washington Dec 13 (M Sen Watkins (R Utah) declaring 1 plan a battlean a legis 1 lined up today with op ponents of a proposed congres sional investigation of Gen Doug I las win the war I views about Korea afraid an investigation of I that nature might involve grave risks of some inadvertant dis closure of matters which hold the most closely guarded secrets" Watkins told a reporter Several congressmen however endorsed proposals of Sen Hunt (D Wyo) and Rep Wickersham (D Okla) for congressional ques tioning of MacArthur Asks Exploring Of Plan' Watkins earlier had suggested that President Truman explore any MacArthur Korean plan at once with President elect Ei senhower and MacArthur His proposal drew a tart rejection Thursday from the President a ft Truman told a news conference: (1) he doubted MacArthur really has thought up a new plan de spite the recent state ments (2) he believed Eisenhow trip to the Korean war zone was the result of campaign dema coguerv and (3) he had no inten tion of inviting either man to a Washington last night in company meeting such as Watkins proposed although he both if they view Proposals questioning of MacArthur on his plan came yesterday from two sources both Democrats Sen Hunt of Wyoming and Rep Wick ersham of Oklahoma Immediate reaction was 'mixed Sen Hunt appealed to Chair ContinueG On Page Eight Mrs A Dickinson and Mrs Bill Gene Cudd is in charge of 1 stage decorations A ft 'ft it Ir" i I I i I W5' a.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.