Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (2024)

If you are researching different dog breeds and interested in vizslas, a good question to ask is what are the Hungarian vizsla pros and cons?

Bred as a hunting dog, vizslas are becoming an increasingly popular choice as a family companion dog. But they are a unique breed and come with some specific needs that not every family or individual can meet.

So before you launch into vizsla ownership, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of owning a vizsla dog.

Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (1)

This article is based onresearchand personal experience as a Vizsla owner. I’m not a qualified dog trainer, Vet or dog behaviourist.

Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons

Hungarian vizslas are intelligent, affectionate, lovable and active dogs that suit people with an active outdoor lifestyle.

But they also need plenty of training, exercise, time and attention to become the best version of the breed.

Vizslas have some unique personality traits that should not be ignored when making a decision to own a vizsla.

So in this guide we’ll take a look at the most important pros and cons of a vizsla to help you make the best choice.

However, if you don’t have time to read the full article, we have summarized the pros and cons of vizsla dogs in the table below.


Affectionate companion

Great with kids and pets

Smart and trainable

Active dog breed

Versatile hunting dog

Low maintenance coat

Healthy dog breed


Needy and velcro

Can be too bouncy

Training is essential

Very high energy

Strong prey drive

Can be timid

Indoors dog

Vizsla Dog Pros

First let’s take a look at the pros of vizslas. These are just some of the reasons vizsla owners love their dogs and will choose them over any other dog breed!

A Loving Companion Dog

Affectionate, sociable, playful, gentle and eager to please are all terms vizsla owners use to describe their vizsla’s temperament.

It is one of the most well known facts that Hungarian vizslas are a loving and loyal companion dog breed that have unwavering affection for their human family.

They will welcome you home every day like you have been gone a month.

And with a reputation as a velcro dog love nothing more than being by your side (or on your lap).

Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (2)

Smart And Trainable

Vizslas are smart dogs and eager to please their owners. As a result they are capable of learning new instructions very quickly.

With consistency and positive reinforcement, potty training is rarely a long drawn out process and they are fast learners when teaching tricks and basic obedience training.

Their desire to be by your side or in sight of you means they tend to have good recall (with training) which is necessary to progress to off leash walks and hikes.

Vizslas are not only known to be good hunting dogs, they are also chosen for search and rescue and as service dogs thanks to their high intelligence.

Great With Kids And Pets

If you are thinking vizslas are a good family dog, you would be correct.

Vizslas form wonderful bonds with kids, can demonstrate plenty of patience and can even get along with the family cat.

Naturally young children should always be supervised around dogs (and we look at some cons around kids below), but vizslas really are gentle souls at heart who love playing games and cuddling up with kids.

Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (3)

High Energy

Vizslas are great company outside. If you lead an active lifestyle and want a dog who can keep up with you running, mountain biking or hiking, vizslas are one of the best dog breeds to own.

Bred to be out hunting all day, vizslas are very high energy dogs and even after a long off leash hike will still have energy to spare.

Whether it is swimming, boating, backpacking or agility training, your vizsla will have the energy to join you in all your outdoor pursuits.

Excellent Hunting Dog

If you are looking for a versatile gundog to join you out hunting, the vizsla is an excellent choice.

Considered one of the best bird hunters, they are excellent pointers and retrievers with an awesome nose for hunting upland game and waterfowl.

Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (4)

Low Maintenance Coat

The short smooth single coat of the russet gold vizsla means it is a very low maintenance dog in terms of grooming.

They do shed, but a weekly brush is all that is required to keep their coat looking good as they tend to keep themselves quite clean.

They also lack the “doggy” smell of other dog breeds.

The other great thing is that grooming vizslas is quite simple and does not require the skills of a professional groomer. This helps reduce the ongoing cost of a vizsla.

A Healthy Breed

Overall Hungarian vizslas are a relatively healthy breed with few ingrained genetic issues.

Responsible breeders will always screen breeding stock for common conditions like hip dysplasia to prevent issues occurring.

They should also be willing to provide the results of any health testing before buying a puppy.

Hungarian Vizsla Cons

Now let’s take a look at the cons of owning vizslas.

It doesn’t matter how much you love the idea of a vizsla, if any of these cons sound bad to you, you should reconsider owning a vizsla.


One of the pros of vizslas is they are affectionate, but for some people they are overly so – hence the term “velcro vizsla”.

The word “needy” is often used to describe vizslas and for this reason they are not a breed that suits everyone.

Naturally it will vary a bit from dog to dog, but in general vizslas:

  • Don’t enjoy being left alone
  • Are prone to separation anxiety
  • Will follow you everywhere – even to the toilet!

When you are on the couch they are likely to be sitting on or next to you.

When you are eating dinner they may have their nose on your lap and when you aren’t paying them enough attention they will let you know – often by whining.

If you don’t like the idea of this, a vizsla is not the breed for you. A similar breed without as much neediness is the German Shorthaired Pointer. See our full comparison here.

Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (5)

Can Be Too Bouncy

Vizslas are a medium sized high energy dog and it takes a few years for them to calm down. So for families with young children or elderly relatives it can be a real struggle.

They can be very bouncy and excitable around kids, and unintentionally knock them over.

Vizslas also have a tendency to jump, which can be overwhelming for small children and elderly people.

For this reason experienced vizsla breeders will often suggest you wait until your kids are out of the toddler stage before owning a vizsla.

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Training Is Essential

Unlike other dog breeds, regular and ongoing training is absolutely essential for vizslas.

Vizsla rescues are full of adolescent vizslas who just haven’t received enough training to help them become well behaved and manageable adult vizslas.

As a sporting dog breed they really need a job and like to be mentally stimulated – so training isn’t optional.

Plus, while vizslas are highly intelligent, they are also easily distracted by every sight, smell and sound around them.

Puppy training needs to be done in short and sharp sessions to keep their attention and you will often need very high value treats to keep their attention when leash training or participating in dog training.

If you can’t commit to training your vizsla, it may not be the best breed option.

High Energy

Vizslas are a high energy breed and while this is a pro for many vizsla owners it can be con for others.

Vizslas need at least an hour of daily exercise and the freedom to burn their energy off lead. No matter what the weather!

A single daily on lead walk is never going to be enough for a vizsla.

They also need plenty of mental stimulation through scent work, puzzles and games to tire them out.

When vizslas don’t get the chance to burn mental and physical energy they often redirect that energy in other negative ways – through barking, chewing, digging and even pacing and whining.

Many vizsla books written by experienced vizsla breeders and owners will note this trait is not understood enough.

If you can’t dedicate this time or don’t have places close by where they can run freely, a vizsla is not the breed for you.

Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (6)

Strong Prey Drive

Their breeding as a hunting dog means most vizslas have a strong prey drive.

This is great if you want to hunt with your dog, but often not so great if you want a family dog.

Chasing and barking at critters in the yard, lunging on leash at birds and racing off to chase small prey are all likely behaviours for vizslas.

Can Be Timid

Vizslas have a sensitive temperament and without proper socialisation and positive reinforcement you can end up with a timid and overly anxious dog.

Proactive socialisation from the time you bring puppy home is so important for this breed to build their confidence and trust.

Vizslas also have good (and long) memories and can take a lot of time to recover from stressful events.

So whether you accidentally cut the quick when trimming their nails, unintentionally yelled at them when potty training or they have a bad experience with another dog at the dog park, it can have a long lasting effect on them.

For a less timid dog, take a look at the Rhodesian Ridgeback. We compare the Vizsla vs Ridgeback here.

Need To Live Indoors

Unlike many other dog breeds, vizslas are not outside dogs.

When they are done working, walking or playing outside they want to be inside on the couch, in their bed, or in your bed!

While their single short coat does mean they feel the cold more than other dogs, that is not the reason they live and sleep inside.

Bred as companion hunting dogs, they need to be close to their human family and won’t appreciate being locked outdoors on their own.

In fact no matter how big your yard, if you are not out there with them, they are more likely to be asleep next to you inside the house.

Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (7)

Weighing Up The Pros And Cons Of Owning A Vizsla

Dog ownership is always a big decision and especially so when considering buying a Hungarian vizsla.

We hope this list of vizsla pros & cons has helped in your decision making process.

If you’re unsure whether you a vizsla is the ideal breed for you, take the vizsla quiz to see if they are suitable for your lifestyle.

Find out more about the breed in this list of intriguing facts about vizsla dogs.

What do you think of our list of vizsla dog pros and cons? Have we missed an important point? Let us know in the comments below!

More Vizsla Breed Guides

  • Essential Guide To Vizsla Puppies
  • How To Find The Best Vizsla Breeders
  • 19 Dogs Similar To Vizslas
  • Are Vizslas Hypoallergenic?
  • 12 Common Vizsla Mixes
  • 20 Things Only Vizsla Owners Truly Get

Or, browse all the vizsla breed guides here.

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Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla (2024)


Hungarian Vizsla Pros And Cons: Things To Know Before Owning | It's A Vizsla? ›

The Hungarian vizsla is highly valued for its eye-catching russet-gold coat, noble head, and aristocratic bearing. The vizsla is naturally lively and biddable, and it can become very attached to its owner. However, the vizsla dog breed can be wary of other people and dogs, meaning it requires careful training.

What are the negatives of Vizslas? ›

Athletic, agile, and light on his feet, the Vizsla is a robust hunting dog who needs vigorous daily exercise and lots of personal attention. Too much confinement and too little companionship can lead to neurotic behaviors such as hyperactivity and destructiveness. Bored Vizslas are notorious chewers.

Are Hungarian Vizslas good for first time owners? ›

They're very clever dogs, which means that they can pick up new things easily – both wanted and unwanted habits! Their energy levels and strong personality means they are not suitable for first time dog owners.

Can Vizslas be left alone? ›

They thrive in the company of others and don't do well when left alone for long periods. They can be very affectionate and tend to shadow their loved ones with little understanding of personal space. Many Vizslas love body contact and cuddles, but every dog responds differently.

Are Vizslas good house dogs? ›

Vizsla temperament, socialising and ideal home environment

Vizslas are loyal, active dogs who need plenty of space to roam. Because of their size, they might not make the best pet if you have young children, because of the risk of knocking them over. They are better suited to households with adults and older children.

What is the cause of death of Vizslas? ›

Major risks include epilepsy and lymphosarcoma. Vizslas can also be prone to skin and food allergies. There is also the possibility of diseases and cancer developing in vizslas that are spayed or neutered.

Is it better to get a male or female Vizsla? ›

Intact males tend to be much easier to manage than females as they do not experience cycles, so care is the same all year round. While both have nervous tenacities, females are more prone to anxiety, so they are best suited for owners who will not leave them alone for long periods.

Do Hungarian Vizslas bark a lot? ›

Vizslas make good watchdogs and generally do not bark excessively.

Where should Vizslas sleep? ›

Vizslas were owned and bred by Hungarian royalty and at night, the vizslas lived inside and slept in their owners' beds. This means that they need a lot of physical exercise, especially when they're younger. Leashed walks will not cut it. They need to run around off-leash frequently.

Do Vizslas attach to one person? ›

I don't typically see this as the case, although if one person is the main caretaker and trainer, it would be logical for the Vizsla to bond better with that person. It's typical of the breed, and my own dogs to love people and for them to gravitate towards people, even strangers if they seem friendly.

At what age does a Vizsla calm down? ›

As Vizslas age, they calm down. By the time they are 2 or 3, they spend more time relaxing, although they can still actively hunt for hours at the age of 10 or more. A mature Vizsla has the perfect combination of chillaxing on the couch at home and active hiking power in the mountains when given the opportunity.

Do Vizslas like to snuggle? ›

Vizslas—regal Hungarian hunting dogs—are a sleek, high-energy action dog that loves to go home and snuggle after a hard day's work or play.

Can Hungarian Vizslas be aggressive? ›

Possible Reasons a Vizsla Behaves Aggressively

Aggression in dogs can be driven by fear, a desire to hunt, socialization problems, and territorial guarding, among other reasons. A Vizsla usually only becomes hostile if they perceive a threat to their family.

Can Vizslas be off leash? ›

People who enjoy being out in nature and like walking, jogging, or running are good matches for this breed. Vizslas need many hours of off-leash running per week, which is often difficult to fit into the busy schedule. You'll have to be not only willing but eager to spend at least 7 hours per week exercising your dog.

Will a Vizsla protect you? ›

Vizslas are protective of their families when they sense imminent danger; otherwise, they'll warmly welcome anyone their people welcome. Are Vizslas Good Guard Dogs? Innately gentle, Vizslas don't make the best guard dogs.

What is the lifespan of a Hungarian Vizsla? ›

The Vizsla dog breed is generally healthy and has an average lifespan of 10-14 years. That said, they are susceptible to some health issues. Pet parents can prevent these conditions by getting their puppy from a reputable Vizsla rescue or a breeder who responsibly tests their dogs.

Are Vizslas known to be aggressive? ›

They are a friendly canine that loves to burn off their energy outside, such as by jogging with their owner. Vizslas are intelligent, loving, and active companions—this breed is not known for aggression. They generally do not display dominance and will not attempt to dominate other dogs or humans.

Are Vizsla dogs destructive? ›

Vizsla personality

They do not make good kennel dogs and prefer being with their owners. They are highly intelligent and need activities to keep them occupied to prevent destructive behavior such as chewing and digging.

Do Vizslas bark a lot? ›

Vizslas are average barkers at most. When well-trained and socialized, they often use their voice purposefully and sparingly, a desirable trait from their gun dog background. Still, the cliche rings true that all dogs are different.

What is the life expectancy of a Vizsla? ›

Vizslas are generally a healthy breed. A typical lifespan is about 12 to 15 years. As in all breeds'and in mixed breeds'cancers are a concern.

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